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Welcome Class: Open to Everyone!


Find your (micro-fusion) Feet!

Throw off the week’s woes, warm up your toes and get your body into your dance space with our Friday warm-up class. Expect some basics for those new to micro, and some nice exercises to get you SPARKLING ✨


For our first class we’ll look at prepping the canvas and freeing the squirrels, using different types of connection to hone our intentionality in the dance and to create clean, precise movement to build on in the rest of the weekend (plus: is it possible to switch without touching? Let’s find out!). In the second class we will take a deep dive into our most requested topic: isolations! We’ll look at how and what to isolate, and explore ways of building and layering isolations to create intricate dances within constraints. For the third class of the day, we take a look at the musical energy grid, creating a live graph to plot some of our favourite micro tracks, and thinking about how to scale down macro musicality to respond authentically to tracks with higher pace, energy, or both.


We’ll kick off Sunday with a rhythm class, responding to syncopation, instrumentation, and alternative rhythm patterns to break free from the tyranny of the classic 4/4 step-touch. Expect party vibes. In our second class we move through to looking at tonal texture, and how a bewildering galaxy of metaphors can help make super-simple shapes feel gorgeously different. This is probably the only micro class you will EVER take that will involve dancing to System of a Down. Finally, in the third class we take everything down a notch with a class on stillness in dancing - creating stillness in your movement, movement in your stillness, and how to build quiet within your dance so that every move feels significant.

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